While you can check out all the Marvel or DC Comics Omnibus announcements for 2025 or see the upcoming releases in the Epic Collection, DC Finest and DC Compact on the website, there’s still a lot more collected editions put out there every month by comic book publishers! So much in fact that sometimes, you’ll wish you could buy more than what’s reasonable. That cost adds up and the time is missing to read everything we want!
That’s why we are launching a new column, starting in March, to spotlight a selection of collected editions released each month we think would be great to have in our library (and yours by extension!).
Without further ado, here is our selection of comic books for March!
March’s Comic Picks
All title summaries are taken and/or adapted from the publishers.
Chew: The Nomnibus Edition
By John Layman and Rob Guillory
If you always wanted to (re)discover Chew, here’s your chance to collect the complete series for a good price! Image Comics is releasing an Nomnibus Edition, a big trade paperback edition of 1488 pages for around $65. A good way to read about detective Tony Chu, a Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats.
It also means he’s a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn’t mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why. He’s been brought on by the Special Crimes Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet, to investigate their strangest, sickest, and most bizarre cases.
DC Finest: Plastic Man – The Origin of Plastic Man
By Jack Cole
Some stories can be quite difficult to find sometimes, and nothing is more welcomed than a new trade of rare material in the comic book world! With their DC Finest Collection, DC Comics is clearly filling some major gap, and readers can rejoice to finally have easily access to Jack Cole’s Plastic Man, one of DC’s wackiest heroes!
Patrick “Eel” O’Brian’s life of crime just became a whole lot stranger! After an unfortunate accident leaves Eel’s body transformed to have the properties of rubber, Plastic Man is born! He can bounce, stretch, and crack wise, but can he save the day? And, more importantly, does he even want to? What business does a petty crook have playing superhero anyway?
Redcoat Volume 1: Einstein & The Immortal
By Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Brad Anderson
Launched more than a year ago, the Ghost Machine Company is taking shape nicely. It delivers some good comics every month and is developing several interesting universes, such as The Unnamed, which Redcoat is part of. The release of this first trade for the series can serve as a jumping point in this universe or simply an expansion for those who already follow the post-apocalyptic adventures of Geiger or read the emotional story of Junkyard Joe.
In Redcoat, British soldier and all-around rogue Simon Pure has led quite an exciting life. Or lives, really. After a failed assassination of General George Washington at the Battle of Trenton in 1776, Simon stumbled upon hooded figures performing a bizarre ritual that accidentally gave him immortality. Since that fateful day, Simon has died and returned countless times over, rubbing elbows (and sometimes fists) with history’s most renowned figures, including his nemesis Benedict Arnold, Albert Einstein, and many more. But what are the true origins and extent of Simon’s power, and the clandestine cabal behind them? And how does this group intend to use him to destroy America? Simon means to find out, even if it finally kills him!
East of West: The End Times Compendium
By Jonathan Hickman and Nick Dragotta
Like Chew, the ten volumes of East of West are compiled into one massive paperback at an affordable price. Here, you can discover this excellent science fiction Western in this big volume of 1320 pages for around $60. A must-have for Dragotta’s fans and one of the best series Hickman ever written to this date.
This is the world. It is not the one we wanted, but it is the one we deserve. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse roam the Earth, signaling the End Times for humanity, and our best hope for life, lies in DEATH.
The New Printing of The Month
Every month is also filled with new printing, offering the possibility to complete our collection, buy this book we missed because we were broke (and still are, to be honest) or simply because we weren’t familiar with the story or the edition at the time. Each month, we highlight one book that finds its way back to the shelves!
David Mazzucchelli’s Daredevil: Born Again Artist’s Edition
By David Mazzucchelli and Frank Miller
There is no discussion possible about David Mazzucchelli’s artistic talent, elevating every story he drew to another level, inspiring many artists along the way. As Daredevil is making his comeback on the small screen on Disney+, it’s the perfect occasion for a new printing of that incredible Artist’s Edition.
Daredevil Born Again. That title strikes a chord with comic fans who know what it means. Fans who know that it represents two of the finest creators at the absolute peaks of their game. David Mazzucchelli’s superhero work had reached an artistic apex when this series was released, and the same is true for Frank Miller’s writing. Together they combined to craft a story of extraordinary impact that is still regarded as a true masterpiece. Collecting the entire storyline of Born Again, this book will feature the complete issues of Daredevil numbers 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 and 233, plus covers and extras. Each page was personally scanned by Mazzucchelli from his own original art. This is the largest Artist’s Edition yet, weighing in at a rock solid 200 pages of beautiful Mazzucchelli art in the way you’ve always wanted to see it-the next bet thing to holding the actual original art!
Also Released in March
Wait… There’s more! From the return of Berserk with a new volume continuing the saga of creator Kentaro Miura to the new printing of Criminal, the Conan Omnibus, and a new Avatar story, here’s a non-exhaustive list of other February releases that caught our attention:
- Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale: Daredevil (a new printing for the Yellow classic story!)
- Legion of Super-Heroes: The Great Darkness Saga Deluxe Edition (2025 Edition)
- The Collected Will Eisner’s John Law
- Grendel: Devil’s Crucible – Defiance
- Black Panther by Reginald Hudlin Omnibus
- Berserk Vol. 42
- Conan the Barbarian: The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 4
- Criminal Vol. 4: Bad Night (2025 Edition)
- Marvel Premier Collection: Captain America – The Winter Soldier
- Avatar: The Last Airbender – Ashes of the Academy