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Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates Reading Order

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Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1966, Black Panther gained mainstream recognition with the release of the film Black Panther in 2018. As the king of the African nation of Wakanda, T’Challa is both a brilliant scientist and a skilled warrior, enhanced by the mystical herb that grants him extraordinary abilities.

Over the years, he has proven to be one of the most accomplished characters in the Marvel Universe, facing numerous challenges—including his leadership of the Avengers, his decisive stand against Klaw in The Black Panther (1977), and his pivotal role in the iconic Doomwar storyline.

A new era—and a new entry point for readers—began as part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel relaunch after the Secret Wars crossover, under the creative vision of Ta-Nehisi Coates, a MacArthur Genius Grant and National Book Award-winning author. His run, starting with A Nation Under Our Feet, revisits T’Challa’s role as both a hero and monarch, setting the stage for an new chapter in Wakanda’s story…

Where to start reading Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates?

Following the success of the DC Compact line, Marvel Comics launched its own curated line dedicated to new readers with Marvel Premier Collection. Ta-Nehisi Coates’s first arc on Black Panther is part of this collection, confronting T’Challa to an uprising in Wakanda that challenges his rule. As the story is con

Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Omnibus Edition

Marvel Comics has reprinted Ta-Nehisi Coates’ complete run on Black Panther in one big Omnibus (1224 pages)! The Black Panther is “confronted with dramatic upheaval in his homeland — first with a violent uprising, then the return of ancient gods! Meanwhile, T’Challa’s sister Shuri makes a transformative journey through Wakanda’s past, and Storm returns to the Panther’s life!”

Several companion pieces, spin-off series and other series were written during this era, some with Coates’ input. You can also find them in an omnibus. Those are generally optional readings but help flesh out this period.

  • Wakanda: World of Black Panther Omnibus
    Collects Rise of The Black Panther #1-6, Black Panther: World Of Wakanda #1-6, Black Panther & The Crew #1-6, Black Panther: Long Live The King #1-6, Black Panther Annual (2018) #1, Amazing Spider-Man: Wakanda Forever, X-Men: Wakanda Forever, Avengers: Wakanda Forever, Black Panther vs. Deadpool #1-5, Shuri #1-10, Killmonger #1-5, Black Panther And The Agents Of Wakanda #1-8, King In Black: Black Panther And The Last Annihilation: Wakanda – plus material from Venomverse: War Stories, Marvel Comics (2019) #1000, Marvel’s Voices #1, Marvel’s Voices: Legacy And Black Panther (2018) #23-25.

Black Panther Comics by Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Complete Reading Order

Previously on the Marvel Universe… The Multiverse has been destroyed and restored during Jonathan Hickman’s Secret Wars! Following this game-changing event, T’Challa joined The Ultimates, a team united to protect the Earth from cosmic threats. Written by Al Ewing, Ultimates: Omniversal is set before Coates’ run and connected to Civil War II.

I. Black Panther:  A Nation Under Our Feet

Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, with art by Brian Stelfreeze and colors by Laura Martin, A Nation Under Our Feet blends political intrigue, revolution, and superhero action, reshaping Wakanda’s place in the Marvel Universe. As Marvel official synopsis explained, “T’Challa is confronted with a dramatic upheaval in Wakanda that will make leading the African nation tougher than ever before. When a superhuman terrorist group that calls itself The People sparks a violent uprising, the land famed for its incredible technology and proud warrior traditions will be thrown into turmoil. If Wakanda is to survive, it must adapt—but can its monarch, one in a long line of Black Panthers, survive the necessary change? Heavy lies the head that wears the cowl!”

Marvel Premiere Collection

Oversized Edition

Trade Paperbacks

Folio Society

If you are reading Ultimates, the second volume, Ultimates 2, takes place around here.

Black Panther Spin-Offs – Optional Reading. With Black Panther finding success under Coates, Marvel Comics decided to explore the world of T’Challa with several spin-off series, exploring his past and putting the focus on other characters.

  • Rise of the Black Panther
    Collects Rise of the Black Panther #1–6. An updated origin story for T’challa written by Evan Narcisse (with Coates as consultant) that can be read at any point during this run.
  • Black Panther: World of Wakanda
    Collects Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1–6. Written by Roxane Gay (with Coates as consultant). Story focused on Aneka and Ayo which is better to read after A Nation Under Our Feet.
  • Black Panther & the Crew: We Are the Streets
    Collects Black Panther & the Crew #1–6. Not a lot of Black Panther in this book, and the story takes place before the official start of Coates’ run.
  • Black Panther: Long Live The King
    An Original Graphic Novel written by Nnedi Okorafor set after Black Panther (Vol. 6) #12

II. Avengers of The New World

Where have all the gods of Wakanda gone? T’Challa intends to find out in Avengers of the New World, a new arc from Ta-Nehisi Coates and Wilfredo Torres. You’ll notice the series’ numbering shifts after issue #18, returning to the original numbering as part of Marvel Legacy.

Trade Paperbacks

Oversized Hardcover Edition

Black Panther Side Comics – Optional Reading. Before heading into space, you can check out these side stories, revisiting the origins of Killmonger and putting Black Panther against Deadpool. They’re not required but add some extra fun and background.

  • Killmonger
    Collects Killmonger #1-4. A Killmonger origin story written by Bryan Hill.
  • Black Panther vs. Deadpool
    Collects Black Panther vs. Deadpool #1-5. Fun, but really optional.

III. Black Panther: the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda

Marvel Fresh Start! Ta-Nehisi Coates continues his run on Black Panther in the company of artist Daniel Acuña as we learn from scenes from Marvel Legacy #1 that Wakanda has established an interstellar empire. In parallel to his intergalactic adventures, Black Panther became the leader of Avengers by Jason Aaron.

The Complete Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda arc collected in one trade:

Previously in Oversized hardcover:

Or in trade paperbacks:

Being the leader of the Avengers, Black Panther fought during the War of the Realms (full reading order), but he didn’t have a major part in the story. It’s optional here, but it’s a good read.

Companion pieces by Nnedi Okorafor – Optional Reading. While T’Challa is in space, see what this means for Shuri and follow the fierce Dora Milaje on their own missions. These stories take place mostly around the events of the first seven issues of The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.

  • Shuri: The Search for Black Panther
    Collects Shuri (2018) #1-5. Written by Nnedi Okorafor.
  • Wakanda Forever
    Collects Amazing Spider-Man: Wakanda Forever; X-Men: Wakanda Forever; Avengers: Wakanda Forever; Black Panther Annual (vol. 2) #1. A Dora Milaje story written by Nnedi Okorafor.

Spinning out from the pages of Jason Aaron’s The Avengers, Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda by Jim Zub focused on the team assembled by the Black Panther to fight the foes that Earth’s Mightiest can’t! This is more a follow-up to The Avengers and is better read after The Intergalactic Empire storyline (and after Avengers (2018) #22).

Check out the Complete Black Panther reading order

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