In Mega City-One, one man is the law: Judge Dredd! Created by writer John Wagner and artist Carlos Ezquerra in the second issue of the British weekly anthology 2000 AD (1977), Judge Joseph Dredd is a lawman in a massive dystopian city where crime is rampant. In this world, Dredd is a judge, jury, and police officer – he can arrest, convict, and execute criminals. And he is the toughest of them all! As we already said: he is the law!
Judge Dredd exists to bring justice and is constantly working. He’s never without his signature helmet, though he has no secret identity and no life outside of work. He’s here to deliver instant justice in a city on the verge of chaos. And he has done it since 1977, getting older as the years pass. It’s been 66 years of active service for Dredd, and 46 years worth of stories!
Through decades of comics, Judge Dredd became one of the most popular comic book characters of all time, and one the most famous satire of American and British culture, exploring authoritarianism, policing, mass surveillance, and every other aspect of society.
It’s no surprise that Judge Dredd was adapted into other media. The first movie was an American film in the nineties with Silvester Stallone in the main role who failed to capture the essence of the character and made the mistake of showing his face!
More than 15 years later, Dredd was once again back on the big screen, with Karl Urban as Dredd and Olivia Thirlby as Judge Anderson, in an adaptation given a truer representation of the character. There are also several Dredd books, audiobooks, and video games, as well as board games and collectible card games. There is no live-action TV show for the moment, though one has been in development since 2017.
So maybe, you have seen one (or both movies), played a game, or read a few comics at some point or another. Or maybe you know nothing about Judge Dredd and it’s time to change that fact! Following is a massive reading order guide to help you read Judge Dredd!
Collecting Judge Dredd Comics, an introduction
This reading guide is a work in progress. It’s a major project, it will take time to complete it.
First of all, there are several ways to read Judge Dredd, as there have been several collected editions, so here’s a little bit of introduction about the different publications:
- 2000 AD / Judge Dredd Megazine. The Judge Dredd stories are first published in the weekly British anthology 2000 AD and its sister publication Judge Dredd Megazine. We invite you to check out the 2000 AD shop to explore the catalog (and you can also find free issues on the website if you want to have a look before buying or subscribing.)
- Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection. This collection made of 90 volumes by Hachette Partworks was released between 2015 and 2018, containing thematic collections of Judge Dredd stories but also a variety of spin-off stories set in the same universe. As it was successful, it was joined by 2000 AD: The Ultimate Collection, focusing on other characters from AD with a Judge Dredd books (but nothing already included in the Mega Collection).
- The Complete Case Files. Re-discover Judge Dredd in this collection collecting all of Dredd’s adventures in chronological order. This collection is at the heart of our reading order!
- in the same line, we also have The Restricted Files and Judge Anderson: The Psi Files
- The Daily Dredds. Collecting the comic strips published in the Daily Star newspaper.
- Essential Judge Dredd. This collection launched in 2020 is a curated line for new readers. More on that in our ‘Where to start?’ section!
- Judge Dredd (IDW Publishing). An alternate version of Judge Dredd published by IDW made of an ongoing series and several miniseries.
- And a lot of Judge Dredd in paperback collections or hardcovers! There are too many of them to count, though this has no vocation to give you a complete chronological order for Dredd. The trade collects particular story arcs, the work of a creator, or thematic stories.
Don’t forget, Judge Dredd is still delivering justice!
Where to start with Judge Dredd? An Essential Reading Order
You know nothing about Dredd and want to know what are the best stories to start with? 2000 AD has your back with Essential Judge Dredd, a curated line of graphic novels showcasing the very best storylines:
- Essential Judge Dredd: America – Considered one of the best stories of Judge Dredd and often recommended as an introduction, America explores what happens when the citizens of Mega City One fight for democracy.
- Essential Judge Dredd: The Apocalypse War – When the citizens of Mega-City One’s massive city blocks declare war on each other, Judge Dredd realises it is merely a prologue to an all-out nuclear attack by East Meg One.
- Essential Judge Dredd: Origins – An unusual delivery is made to the Grand Hall of Justice, a package that will force Dredd to lead a mission into the Cursed Earth and into the darkest recesses of the history of the Judges and Mega-City One. This is Judge Dredd: Year One, 30 years after his first appearance!
- Essential Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death – This volume introduces Judge Death, the Dark Judges and wisecracking Psi Judge Cassandra Anderson.
- Essential Judge Dredd: Necropolis – The ultimate Judge Dredd Vs The Dark Judges storyline.
- Essential Judge Dredd Judgement Day – Sabbat the Necromagus resurrects every corpse in the whole world as a zombie horde and Judge Dredd teams up with Strontium Dog to stop the walking dead!
- Essential Judge Anderson: Shamballa – The Essential Judge Dredd collection expands with a new line dedicated to iconic science fiction heroine, Judge Anderson!
- Essential Judge Dredd: Tour of Duty Book 1 – After Dredd discovered a mutant branch of his bloodline during Origins, the lawman started to take a closer look at the Justice Department’s treatment of those unfortunates warped by the legacy of the Atomic Wars.
- Essential Judge Anderson: Satan – For Judge Anderson, a chance at eternal life comes at the cost of losing her mind forever, and her pursuit of a just system leads her to investigate a religious cult, and ultimately to engage in a battle of the minds with the most formidable of foes: Satan himself!
- Essential Judge Dredd: Tour of Duty Book 2 – After Dredd and Hershey’s decision to restore mutant access to Mega-City One is confronted with widespread criticism, Dan Francisco, a reality TV star who holds the people’s favor, challenges Hershey’s leadership as Chief Judge.
- Essential Judge Anderson: Childhood’s End – PSI Judge Cassandra Anderson is brought to investigate an ancient relic on Mars, believed to be half a million years old.
Judge Dredd, The Complete Case Files Reading Guide
Currently, our listing is entirely focused on the Rebellion Collection, which reprints all Judge Dredd stories in chronological order, aptly titled “Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files.” This collection also includes two companion series: “The Restricted Files” and “Judge Anderson: The Psi Files,” along with “The Daily Dredds.” As of now, the collection has reprinted material up to 2009.
Judge Dredd: The Early Years
The year is 2099 and Judge Dredd is judge, jury, and executioner, a merciless far-future lawman delivering justice with an iron fist on the mean streets of Mega-City One. Discover Dredd’s early cases including the epic ‘The Cursed Earth’ and the first appearances of some iconic characters including Judge Death and Psi Judge Anderson. And it was just the beginning as soon enough, Dredd rides into action for some iconic stories with Judge Death Lives, Block Mania, The Apocalypse War, The Graveyard Shift, and Cry of The Werewolf.
- Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 01
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 2-60, Judge Dredd Annual 1981, and Walter the Wobot strips from 2000 AD Prog 50-58 - Judge Dredd: The Restricted Files 01
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Summer Special 1977, 2000 AD Annual 1978-1985, 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1978-1984, Dan Dare Annual 1979-1980, and Judge Dredd Annual 1981-1985 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 02
Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 61-70, 73-76, 79-108 and 110-115
‘The Cursed Earth’ is a storyline that ran from 2000 AD #61 to #85 in which his famous Judge going on a road trip and found himself against some characters caricaturing icons of American consumer culture (like Ronald McDonald and Burger King). For legal reasons, two episodes were always omitted of any collection until 2016. This is when the complete version was finally reprinted by Rebellion in The Cursed Earth Uncensored:
- The Cursed Earth Uncensored
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 61-85. - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 03
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 116-154 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 04
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 156-207 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 05
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 208-267, 269-270 - The Daily Dredds Volume One
Collects Judge Dredd weekly strips from the Daily Star, Aug. 29, 1981-Dec. 20, 1986, plus daily strips, Jan. 6-Jul. 4, 1986. Some of those strips were also reprinted in The Judge Dredd Mega-Collection. - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 06
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 271-321 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 07
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 322-350, 353-375
Cassandra Anderson is a member of Psi Division, the psychic section of the justice Department. A precognitive telepath and empath, she can detect crimes before they are committed! She made her debut n February 1980 as a supporting character in the story “Judge Death” (2000 AD #150). Her popularity led her to star in her own series, Anderson: Psi-Division, since 1988.
- Judge Anderson: The Psi Files Volume 01
Collects Anderson Psi-Division stories from 2000 AD Annual 1984 and 2000 AD Progs 416-427, 468-478, 520-531, 607-609, 612-622, 635-647, 657-659, 669-670, 712-717 and 758-763, plus Judge Corey from 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1989 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 08
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 376-423 - Judge Anderson: The Psi Files Volume 02
Collects Anderson Psi Division and Anderson Psi stories from Judge Dredd Annual 1985, 1986 and 1988, 2000 AD Annual 1987, 2000 AD Progs 700-711, and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.08, 2.10, 2.11, 2.14, 2.22-2.24, 2.27-2.34, 2.37, 2.50-2.60 and 2.73. - Judge Dredd: The Restricted Files 02
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1985-1988, 2000 AD Annual 1986-1990, Judge Dredd Annual 1986-1990, Judge Dredd Mega-Special 1988-1989, 2000 AD Winter Special 1988-1989 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 09
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 424-473 - Judge Dredd: The Restricted Files 04
Collects Judge Dredd stories from Dice Man #1, Judge Dredd Poster Prog #2-5, 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1994-1996, Judge Dredd Mega Special 1994-1996, 2000 AD Yearbook 1995, 2000 AD Winter Special 1994 and 2005, Judge Dredd Yearbook 1995, and 2000 AD Free Comic Book Day Prog 2012, plus extra material from early Judge Dredd Annuals - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 10
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 474-522 - The Daily Dredds Volume 2
Collects Judge Dredd daily strips from the Daily Star, Jul. 7, 1986-Jan. 30, 1989 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 11
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 523-570 - Judge Anderson: The Psi Files Volume 03
Collects Anderson Psi Division stories from Judge Dredd Megazine #2.74-2.80, 3.01-3.07 and 3.14, 2000 AD Progs 1045-1061, 1076, 1087-1090, 1102-1103, 2000 AD Annual 1988 and 1990, 2000 AD Winter Special 1988, and Judge Dredd Annual 1991 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 12
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 571-618 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 13
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 619-661
Judge Dredd in the ’90s
Dredd continues to deliver justice in the ’90s more than ever. Started in 1990, The Judge Dredd: The Megazine is a sister title to 2000AD, released monthly with new stories set in the world of Dredd.
This is also at this time that Wagner took a break from writing Dredd for more than three years. He was replaced by Garth Ennis (around Case Files 16), Grant Morrison (Case Files 19), Mark Millar (Kick-Ass), Dan Abnett and more. Wagner makes his return in Case Files 21 where you’ll find the storyline, introducing Judge Volt and Judge Castillo.
The 90s were also marked by several crossovers, with Judge Dredd crossing paths with Batman and facing The Riddler and The Joker!
- Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 14
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 662-699 - Judge Dredd: The Restricted Files 03
Collects Judge Dredd stories from Judge Dredd Mega-Special 1990-1993, 2000 AD Annual 1991, Judge Dredd Annual 1991, 2000 AD Winter Special 1990, 1992, 1993, 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1991, 2000 AD Yearbook 1992-1994, Judge Dredd Yearbook 1992-1994, and Judge Dredd Poster Prog 1 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 15
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Prog 700-735 and Judge Dredd Megazine #1.01-1.10 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 16
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 736-775 and Judge Dredd Megazine #1.11-1.20 - Judge Anderson: The Psi Files Volume 04
Collects Anderson Psi Division stories from 2000 AD Progs 1132-1137, 1140 and 1263-1272, Judge Dredd Megazine #214-217 and 221-236, Judge Dredd Yearbook 1992 and 1993, and Judge Dredd Mega Special 1992 - Batman / Judge Dredd Collection
Collects Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgment On Gotham, Batman/Judge Dredd: Vendetta In Gotham, Batman/Judge Dredd: The Ultimate Riddle, Batman/Judge Dredd: Die Laughing #1-2 and Lobo/Judge Dredd: Psycho Bikers Vs. Mutants From Hell! - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 17
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 776-803 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.01-2.11 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 18
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 804-829 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.12-2.26 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 19
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 830-855 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.27-2.43 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 20
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 856-887 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.44-2.56
- Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 21
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 888-915 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.57-2.68 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 22
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 916-939 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.69-2.80 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 23
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 940-959 and Judge Dredd Megazine #2.81-2.83 and 3.01-3.07; - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 24
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 959-983 and Judge Dredd Megazine #3.04-3.16 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 25
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 984-1028 and Judge Dredd Megazine #3.16-3.18; - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 26
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1029-1052 and Judge Dredd Megazine #3.19, 3.22 and 3.26-3.33 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 27
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1053-1083, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #3.34-3.38 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 28
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1084-1110, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #3.39-3.45 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 29
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1111-1140, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #3.46-3.51 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 30
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1141-1164, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #3.52-3.59
Judge Dredd enters the noughties with Rebellion
Rebellion Developments purchased 2000 AD from Fleetway Publications, making it their first foray into comic books. A few years later, they released the game Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death and made a deal with DC Comics to reprint some stories. Not long after that, DC left the venture and Rebellion launched his own line of American graphic novels and created the Case Files series, reprinting almost every appearance of Judge Dredd in chronological order.
This era is marked by several major storylines, including “Origins” which explores how the Judge system was established as well as Dredd facing the famous Xenomorphs.
- Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 31
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1164-1185, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #3.60-3.69 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 32
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1186-1222, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #3.70-3.73 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 33
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1223-1249, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #3.74-3.79 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 34
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1250-1275 and Prog 2002, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #4.01-4.06 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 35
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1276-1301, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #4.07-4.13 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 36
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1302-1335, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #4.14-4.18 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 37
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1336-1364, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #201-206 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 38
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1365-1387 and Prog 2004, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #207-213 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 39
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1388-1407, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #214-223 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 40
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1408-1436 and Prog 2005, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #224-227 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 41
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1437-1464 and Prog 2005, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #228-237 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 42
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1465-1484 and Prog 2006 Christmas, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #236-244 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 43
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs 1485-1519, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #245-252 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 44
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs Prog 1520 – Prog 1554, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #253-260 - Judge Anderson: The Psi Files Volume 05
Collects Anderson: Psi-Division stories from 2000 AD Prog 1773 and Winter Special 2014, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #238-241, 257-264, 272-278, 300-304, 309-313 and 327-331 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 45
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs Prog Prog 1555 – Prog 1576, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #261-268 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 46
Collects Judge Dredd stories from 2000 AD Progs Prog Prog 1577 – Prog 1610, and from Judge Dredd Megazine #269-277 - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 47
Coming Soon!
The Complete Case Files and our reading order stop here for the moment. There are still a lot of Judge Dredd stories to be added, so stay tuned for more!
Judge Dredd IDW
This is an alternate version of Dredd or another continuity. From 2012 to 2020, IDW published a Judge Dredd ongoing series, and several limited series based on the Judge Dredd from 2000 AD. The series, which lasted 30 issues, was from writer Duane Swierczynski and artist Nelson Daniel.
- Judge Dredd: City Limits Vol. 1
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd #1-12 - Judge Dredd: City Limits Vol. 2
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd #13-30 - Judge Dredd Year One
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd Year One #1-4 - Mars Attacks Judge Dredd
Collects IDW’s Mars Attacks Judge Dredd #1-4 - Judge Dredd: Mega-City Two
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: Mega-City Two #1-5 - Judge Dredd: Anderson, Psi-Division
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: Anderson, Psi-Division #1-4 - Judge Dredd: Mega-City Zero
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: Mega-City Zero #1-12 - Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth Vol. 1
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #1-4 and Judge Dredd Annual 2017 - Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth Vol. 2
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #5-8 - Judge Dredd: Under Siege
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: Under Siege #1-4 - Judge Dredd: Toxic!
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: Toxic! #1-4 - Judge Dredd: False Witness
Collects IDW’s Judge Dredd: False Witness #1-4