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Maximum Security Reading Order, a Marvel Crossover

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At the end of the year 2000, Marvel Comics launched a crossover event titled Maximum Security that was written by Kurt Busiek and drawn by Jerry Ordway–at least the three-issue self-titled limited series.

Here is how Marvel presents the main plot: “Welcome to Earth: penal colony for the universe’s deadliest villains! When the civilized alien races-influenced by the Supreme Intelligence and his newly-evolved Kree-tire of Earth’s involvement in their affairs, they decide to make it their new prison planet! Featuring all the world’s greatest heroes-including the Avengers, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four–against the most bizarre and deadly threats they can conceive of!”

Influenced by Australian history, and more precisely the way the British used Australia as a penitentiary–sending their convicts so far they would never come back to England!–, Busiek’s Maximum Security introduced the idea that Earth would become a prison for the scum of the galaxy. It was introduced as a way for the Intergalactic Council to deal with Earth–and its interfering heroes.

Maximum Security is composed of a three-issue limited series and almost 20 tie-in issues.

What to read before Maximum Security?

Thor, Tigra, Starfox, Moondragon, and Monica Rambeau are the Avengers in Space in the mini-series Avengers Infinity by Roger Stern and Sean Chen that set up the events of Maximum Security.

Maximum Security Reading Order:

Maximum Security Reading Order: The Collected Editions

  • Avengers / X-Men: Maximum Security
    Collects Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet, #1-3, Captain America (1998) #36, Thor (1998) #30, Uncanny X-Men #387, Bishop: the Last X-Man #15, Iron Man (1998) #35, Avengers (1998) #35, Gambit (1999) #23, X-Men (1991) #107, X-Men Unlimited (1993) #29.

Being part of Kurt Busiek and George Perez’s run on Avengers, the Maximum Security series is also collected in two other books:

  • Avengers Assemble, Vol. 4
    Collects Avengers vol. 3 #35–40, Annual 2000, Avengers: The Ultron Imperative, Maximum Security #1-3’’ and ‘’Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet.’’
  • Avengers by Kurt Busiek & George Perez Omnibus Vol. 2
    Collects Avengers #24-56, 1 1/2, Annual 2000-2001; Thunderbolts #42-44; Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet; Maximum Security #1-3; Avengers: The Ultron Imperative.


Maximum Security Reading Order: Issue by Issue

Truth is, most of the tie-ins are barely connected to the event. In fact, some of them only contained one or two pages (I put them in italics, you can skip them completely).

  • Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet
  • Captain America #36
  • Maximum Security #1
  • Thor #30
  • Captain Marvel #12
  • Iron Man #35
  • Amazing Spider-Man #24
  • Incredible Hulk #21
  • Peter Parker, Spider-Man #24
  • Uncanny X-Men #387
  • Black Panther #25
  • Bishop: The Last X-Man #15
  • Maximum Security #2
  • Thunderbolts #45
  • Marvel Knights #6
  • Gambit #23
  • X-Men #107
  • X-Men Unlimited #29
  • Avengers #35
  • Maximum Security #3

After Maximum Security

Once Maximum Security ended, things got back to normal. To know how to read Kurt Busiek and George Perez’s run on Avengers, you can take a look at our Avengers Reading Order.

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