The Flash Reading Order (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen)
The Flash is the fastest man alive, meaning that he possesses super-speed and can run, move and think extremely fast. Sometimes, it looks like the laws of physics don’t apply to him.
Created in 1940, The Flash is not just one person. To this date, four men have called themselves the Flash. The first was Jay Garrick, during the Golden Age. The second, Barry Allen (The Flash II), worked at Central City. Wally West (Flash III) began as Kid Flash before taking the mantle. And for a short time, Bart Allen (Flash IV) was also the Flash before Wally takes back the title, then Barry makes his return… and things are complicated, let’s be honest!
There’s a lot of Flash stories out there, so it’s time to run to discover them!
Where to start with The Flash?
The Flash made his first appearance more than 80 years ago and several characters have used the mantle since. So to help you find your path in this rich history, we made a short listing of books that can serve as a sort of entry point in the universe:
- The Flash: A Celebration of 75 Years hardcover – A collection of stories ranging from his seven decades as a mainstay in the DC Comics universe. From the original Flash, Jay Garrick, to his successors Barry Allen and Wally West, this anthology is a good way to retrace the evolution of the scarlet speedster (from the Golden age to the Flashpoint series) and, in the end, to become familiar with the character in a flash!
- The Life Story of The Flash by Iris West – Although not up to date, this biography of Barry Allen by his wife Iris (or really by author Mark Waid) can be seen as a crash course on the superhero’s life (covering his pre-Crisis life).
- The Flash by Mark Waid – (with Wally West) With ‘Born to Run’ (The Flash v.2 #62-65), Mark Waid wrote a story that’s also a perfect starting point for anyone to get to know Wally West, the third Flash, and then continue with his run, of course.
- The Flash By Geoff Johns – (with Wally West) After Mark Waid reinvented the Flash mythology, Geoff Johns followed up with reinventing the rogues gallery.
- The Flash, by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato – (with Barry Allen) The DC universe was rebooted with the New 52 initiative, offering a new starting point to readers. This is the one for The Flash.
- The Flash by Joshua Williamson – (with Barry Allen) Another reboot from DC gives us the Rebirth era, reconnecting with old elements, in this case, Barry’s quest to reunite his family.
Also, for a more detailed reading order about Flash III
We invite you to check out our Wally West Reading Order!
Read More »The Flash Reading Order (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen)