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The DC Comics Events and Crossovers List


DC Comics Universe Events Crossovers

Like Marvel Comics did (see the full events & crossovers list here), DC Comics started to organize big events and crossovers during the ’1980s. The first one was Crisis on Infinite Earths, an event that changed DC Comics continuity forever, a huge creative accomplishment from Marv Wolfman and George Perez. After that, more crossovers followed, some big and ambitious, others more modest in scope, connecting heroes and series.

Like I said about Marvel events, even after the near extinction of the industry following the speculative boom of the ’90s, big events and crossovers kept multiplying. Some are forgettable, others are unmissable parts of the overall mythology surrounding the superhero’s adventures, from Batman to the Green Lanterns, from Superman to Harley Quinn.

This article is a list of the crossover events, big and small, involving superheroes and characters from different DC Comics series. It will be updated with links to the dedicated reading orders, as they are published, and, of course, with new entries, as DC Comics continues to announce more and more of them.

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Tintin Reading Order: How to read The Adventures of Tintin?

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The Adventures of Tintin Reading Order

Created by Belgian cartoonist Hergé in 1929, The Adventures of Tintin follow the intrepid globetrotter reporter and adventurer named Tintin as he travels all over the world to investigate mysteries.

Aided by his faithful dog Snowy and his friends, the brash and cynical Captain Haddock and the intelligent but hearing-impaired Professor Calculus, Tintin evolves in realistic environments as well as in pure science fiction and fantasy.

Disclaimer: It’s an old comics, so there are some ideas and representations that are quite offensive today. It’s sometimes racist. Just saying. You know, like in the old issues of The Spirit.

Read More »Tintin Reading Order: How to read The Adventures of Tintin?

The Marvel Comics Events and Crossovers List, from the ’80s Secret Wars to today

Marvel Universe List Crossovers

Since the ’80s with the big success of ”Secret Wars,” Marvel Comics has produced many crossover stories combining characters from different series of comics. It became a big part of the business, but also of the way stories are built. Even after the near extinction of the industry following the speculator boom of the ’90s, big events and crossovers kept multiplying. Some are forgettable, others are unmissable parts of the overall mythology surrounding the superhero’s adventures, from Spider-Man to the Guardians of the Galaxy, from Captain America to the X-Men.

This article is a list of the crossover events, big and small, involving superheroes and characters from different Marvel series. It will be updated with links to the dedicated reading orders, as they are published, and, of course, with new entries as Marvel continues to announce more and more of them.

Read More »The Marvel Comics Events and Crossovers List, from the ’80s Secret Wars to today

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth Reading Order: How to read the Buffy/Angel Boom Studios’ event?

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth Reading Order

As explained in the Buffyverse Comic Book Reboot Reading Order by Boom Studios, Dark Horse Comics’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer license expired at the end of 2018, and the license is now in the hands of BOOM! Studios who relaunched the series in 2019 and followed 3 months later with an Angel title. The publisher didn’t lose time and offered the first cross-over event, Hellmouth.

What is the Hellmouth event about? Written by Jordie Bellaire and Jeremy Lambert and illustrated by Eleonora Carlini and Marco Renna, Hellmouth is a miniseries of the crossover event tying into the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel comic book series.

As Boom Studios explain to us, Buffy and her Scooby Gang will have to muster all their strength as they deal with an open Hellmouth that threatens the lives of everyone they love in Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Angel, the vampire cursed with a soul, arrives in town to find his redemption by doing whatever it takes to close the Hellmouth… and no human, demon, or Slayer will stand in his way.

Read More »Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth Reading Order: How to read the Buffy/Angel Boom Studios’ event?

DC New 52 Reading Order

Let’s go back in time, 10 years ago! We are in September 2011 and it’s the beginning of a new era for DC Comics, named The New 52. Following the conclusion of the Flashpoint limited series (see Reading Order), all titles set in the DC Universe were canceled and relaunched with new #1 issues. It’s a partial reboot for most of our DC’s heroes and villains with a new continuity.

Presented as a new entry point (but not always new reader-friendly, to be honest), various changes were made to sort of update the characters and make them more attractive for newcomers. And for the occasion, the Wildstorm and Vertigo imprints were absorbed into the DC Universe.

Following is a reading order for the New 52 era, going from September 2011 to May 2016. The New 52 branding ended with the conclusion of the ‘Convergence‘ storyline (see our full reading order), but the continuity didn’t stop after that and was maintained during what has been called DC You — a period covered here.


Let’s begin by pointing out that there is no official DC mini-era during New 52, and it is then a personal way to split the period to make it a little easier to apprehend. You’ll find other approaches on the web, some with more Phase/Part and some with less.

  1. The New 52 era in omnibus form
  2. The New 52 Year One, from Justice League: Origin to Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Blood
  3. Zero Month, from Superman: Action Comics Vol. 2: Bulletproof to Earth 2. Vol. 2: The Tower of Fate
  4. Trinity War and Forever Evil, from Wonder Woman Vol. 4: War to Batman/Superman Vol. 2: Game Over
  5. Futures End, from Aquaman and the Others Vol. 1: Legacy of Gold to Constantine Vol. 4: The Apocalypse Road
  6. Convergence, with Earth 2: Society
  7. DC You, ending New 52 and the Road to Rebirth

We also have a few character(s) reading order :

  1. Batman New 52 Reading Order
  2. Superman/Action Comics New 52 Reading Order
  3. Justice League New 52 Reading Order
  4. Earth 2 New 52 Reading Order
  5. Green Lantern New 52 Reading Order
  6. Jason Todd Reading Order
  7. Tim Drake Reading Order
  8. The Flash Reading Order

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The Lazarus Contract Reading Order, a Titans/Teen Titans/Deathstroke crossover

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The Lazarus Contract Reading Order

The Lazarus Contract is a DC Comics mini-crossover event published in 2017 between three series : Titans, Teen Titans and Deahtstroke. The crossover was written by Dan Abnett, Benjamin Percy and Christopher Priest, with interior art from Brett Booth, Khoi Pham, Carlo Pagulayan and Paul Pelletier.

The title, The Lazarus Contract, is a call back to the classic storyline New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract. The story picks up here with Slade Wilson’s discovery that the original Wally West has returned.

He sees that return as an opportunity to bring his son Grant back to life, and nothing will stop him from getting what he wants. Standing in his way? Both the Teen Titans and the Titans! But will the Titans and the Teen Titans be fast enough to stop him from changing the world as we know it?

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Secret Empire Reading Order, the Evil Captain America crossover event from Marvel

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Secret Empire Reading Order

Big Marvel crossover Written by Nick Spencer (with artists Rod Reis, Daniel Acuña, Steve McNiven, and Andrea Sorrentino) published between April and September 2017, Secret Empire is one of those Universe Redefining massive event. One that started with a huge twist, as it was revealed that Captain America is—pardon my French—a f***ing Hydra Agent!

Here is the official description of the event: Captain America, Sentinel of Liberty, is living a lie! The Cosmic Cube has remade the world’s greatest hero into a secret true believer in the cause of Hydra, wholly dedicated to its mission of progress through authority and unity through adversity! Now, using the trust and respect he’s been accorded by the great powers of the Marvel Universe, Steve Rogers makes Hydra’s ideals a reality—and changes the landscape of the world dramatically! How will he take some of his biggest threats off the board? Who will remain to stand against him? And which heroes will fi ght on his side? Find out as the impossible becomes real! Hail Hydra!

What to read before Secret Empire?

This limited series event addresses the aftermath of the crossover event Avengers: Standoff! and the ongoing series Captain America: Steve Rogers, in which Captain America has been acting as a sleeper agent and covertly setting the stage to establish Hydra as the main world power.

So, before reading Secret Empire, maybe take a look at the time when we discovered that Cap is a member of Hydra. To do that, you have to read Captain America: Steve Rogers Vol. 1: Hail Hydra, and you can go after that to Captain America: Steve Rogers Vol. 2: The Trial of Maria Hill, and then Captain America: Steve Rogers Vol. 3: Empire Building. If you want to read what’s essential, Marvel published a book collecting exactly that:

  • Secret Empire Prelude
    Collects Captain America (2012) 21, 25; Captain America: Sam Wilson 7 (A story), 8; Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha, Omega; Captain America: Steve Rogers 1-2.

Read More »Secret Empire Reading Order, the Evil Captain America crossover event from Marvel

Calvin and Hobbes Books in Order: How to read Bill Watterson’s comic strip?

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The classic Calvin and Hobbes is a daily American comic strip created by cartoonist Bill Watterson that was syndicated from November 18, 1985, to December 31, 1995.

It follows the adventures of Calvin, a precocious, mischievous, and adventurous six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his sardonic stuffed tiger. A smart child with poor grades in school, Calvin has a creative and philosophical mind but lacks restraint. He has a rich inner world and a precious friendship with his tiger. The anthropomorphic tiger is an independent creature with a dim view of human nature. He participates in all of Calvin’s activities, even when he knows it’s gonna end in trouble.

Calvin’s parents are typical middle-class, his father is a patent attorney and his mother is a stay-at-home mom. Calvin also interacts with Susie Derkins, a classmate who lives on the same street, Rosalyn, his babysitter, Mrs. Wormwood, his teacher, and Moe, the school bully.

Reading Calvin and Hobbes is the best way to kill time while we wait for life to shower us with meaning and happiness.

Read More »Calvin and Hobbes Books in Order: How to read Bill Watterson’s comic strip?

Justice League Dark Reading Order

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Published by DC Comics and created by Peter Milligan with art by Mikel Janín, Justice League Dark is the Magic equivalent of the regular Justice League, a group of superheroes fighting together against powerful enemies to stop the unusual world-shattering events from happening.

The idea is quite simple, the team consists of the supernatural members of the DC Universe, handling situations deemed outside the scope of the traditional Justice League.

The Justice League Dark originally featured John Constantine, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Shade: The Changing Man, and Zatanna. There will be changes. Some of the members will leave or die, some will join the team for a time or for a long time. You know the deal, it’s Justice League business. Except it’s about magic and occult dangers.

Here is the official synopsis: With the Justice League defeated at the hands of the mad sorceress Enchantress, the clairvoyant Madame Xanadu must assemble the world’s most powerful and strange magical heroes to prevent her premonitions of end times from coming to fruition! Bringing together the likes of London’s savviest street sorcerer, John Constantine; stage (and actual) magician Zatanna; the reality-altering alien Shade; and the ghost and body possessor Deadman, this unlikely team will be forced to put aside their differences to stop evil.

Never one to play nice, Constantine and the group will fall apart time and time again only to come together when the world needs them most. Joined by the likes of a centuries-old vampire, the shape-shifter Black Orchid, and Frankenstein among many more, some will live, and many will die, but together, maybe they can save this world!

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Fear Itself Reading Order, a Marvel Event with Thor, Captain America and more

Fear Itself Reading Order

Fear Itself is a 2011 crossover Marvel Comics event, consisting of a seven-issue, eponymous miniseries written by Matt Fraction and illustrated by Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Laura Martin, a prologue book (Fear Itself: Book of the Skull) by writer Ed Brubaker and artist Scot Eaton, and numerous tie-in books, including most of the X-Men family of books. Although it is a Marvel-wide crossover, the event emphasizes Captain America and Thor.

The entire planet has been seized by Fear and only chaos reigns. The Serpent, Asgard’s most ancient evil, has awakened and is feeding off the fear of Earth’s populace. Our planet’s only hope lies in the hands of heroes and villains who have not fallen into worldwide panic. But with Odin intent on sacrificing Earth, will their struggles against the Gods be enough? And how do you conquer Fear Itself?

What to read before Fear Itself?

Fear Itself is a self-contained event and doesn’t require any prior reading.

Read More »Fear Itself Reading Order, a Marvel Event with Thor, Captain America and more