The Best of Havok Comics, Our Alex Summers Recommended Reading Order (X-Men)!
It’s never easy being the brother of a more famous X-Man. Just ask Alex Summers, who has often found himself in the shadow of his brother, Scott Summers, a.k.a. Cyclops. While Alex may never reach his older brother’s level of fame, this longtime Marvel character has certainly lived through some wild adventures (and bad editorial decisions) since his debut in 1969!
Before young Alex Summers was introduced to the world of the X-Men, readers already knew that Scott had a brother (there’s a third Summers brother, but it is a subject for another day) who had been separated from him for many years. After their father’s plane was attacked by aliens, the two brothers jumped with the only working parachute. While they survived, they were left orphaned and separated as children. Scott grew up in an orphanage before being recruited to join the X-Men.
But surprise! When Alex made his first appearance in X-Men #54, the two brothers had been close for some time—clearly, this relationship had developed off-panel. Soon enough, Alex was revealed to have powers of his own, capable of generating powerful plasma blasts. He got his famous Neal Adams-designed costume and codename in issue #58. From there, the mutant developed a love-hate relationship with the X-Men and an on-and-off romance with Lorna Dane, a.k.a. Polaris.
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