One of the longest manga series, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will ensure long reading sessions with more than 134 volumes released (and more coming). Created by Hirohiko Araki more than 35 years ago – it started in 1987 to be precise -, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure tells the story of the Joestar family and their endless conflict with the supernatural.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure became one of the most famous manga for its art style, flamboyant characters, wild humor and bloody battles. Split into nine parts (at this date), each one explores different characters and themes, thriving to deliver something different at every opportunity.
The manga became very popular in 1989 with its most iconic arc Stardust Crusaders, and grew into a media franchise including spin-off manga, light novels, video games, TV anime, and live-action films.
Avengers Assemble! To face threats too big for one hero to combat, the Avengers were created to form Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. As villains, danger, and destruction of worlds multiplied, the number of recruits for the Avengers expanded too, with spin-offs of the team to cover more threats and to deliver more stories!
The Marvel Universe was destroyed and recreated almost ten years ago in the 2015 Secret Wars. An All-New, All-Different Marvel emerged, combining the 616 Universe and the 1610 Ultimate Universe (the home of Miles Morales). Following this event, a new Marvel era started with a new team of Avengers formed by Iron Man, the first roster of many more to come in the following years as tradition would like. In Avengers and their many spin-offs, members come and go to protect the Earth.
Today, we are exploring the world of the Avengers in a Post Secret Wars, from 2015 to the present under the creative team of Jed MacKay and C.F. Villa. If you want to dive into classic and older Avengers Comics, you can find the listing over here.
Introduced in the story “The Strange Experiment of Dr. Erdel” in Detective Comics #225 (1955) by writer Joseph Samachson and artist Joe Certa, the Martian Manhunter is a DC Comics superhero also known as J’onn J’onzz (often pronounced “John Jones”).
A green-skinned humanoid from Mars, J’onn J’onzz came to Earth with an experimental teleportation beam constructed by Dr. Saul Erdel who can’t send him back before a few years. In the waiting, the Martian Manhunter shapeshifts into a human. When Dr. Erdel is killed, he has no way to go back to Mars. He then decided to fight crime under the identity of John Jones, a detective in Middletown, USA.
During this time, J’onn J’onzz revealed his existence to the world to act publicly as a superhero and became a founding member of the Justice League. However, he still kept his secret identity “alive” until “Detective John Jones” was killed in action. After that, he moved to The House of Mystery to fight a supernatural menace.
With Superman taking a bigger role in the Justice League, the Martian Manhunter became less and less present. At the end of the 1960s, he eventually went back to Mars and only appeared occasionally in stories and didn’t make a real comeback until 1984 (in Justice League of America #228). Three years later, Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths, J’onn J’onzz stayed in the Justice League of America, unlike most of the other previous members. He quickly got a short miniseries that retcon his origin stories.
Now, the Martian Manhunter is the last of the Martian race. He has a lot of powers as he can shape-shift, fly, has super-strength and speed, possesses enhanced senses, can turn invisible, communicate telepathically, move objects via Telekinesis, and more! Despite his fear of fire, he is one of the most powerful heroes of the DC Universe. Also, he is known for his wisdom, calm demeanor, and profound sense of duty.
From their first appearance in September 1963 to the present, The X-Men have lived countless adventures filled with action, tragedy, comedy, romance, and more. These adventures have spawned many teams such as New Mutants, X-Factor, Excalibur, and X-Force, as well as solo journeys for many characters in the form of miniseries and ongoing titles!
Naturally, the library of X-Men and X-Men-related comic book titles can look daunting for new readers and even older ones. Throughout the years, Marvel Comics has collected many runs and tens of thousands of X-Men issues in various formats, including classic trade paperbacks, Marvel Masterworks, in the popular Epic Collection, and, of course, the Omnibus line!
With more than 50 omnibuses dedicated to the X-Men and all associated titles—and the number is still growing—, we have decided to create a Specific X-Men Omnibus Reading Order. This guide can serve as a roadmap to the extraordinary adventures of the X-Men in this particular collection, helping new and old readers to find their ways in the vast world of the mutantkind!
It’s no secret that The Flash is the fastest man alive! But how can he be capable of such an amazing prowess? The Flash’s speed is derived from the Speed Force, which is defines as ‘a strange other-dimensional energy field that gives all speedsters their power‘ and ‘a mysterious ancient power that caused the extinction of the Mayans and sped up the evolution of a tribe of gorillas in East Africa‘ (DC Encyclopedia, 2021.)
Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo created the Speed Force 30 years ago, in The Flash (Vol. 2) #91, after speedster Wally West attempted to travel faster using Johnny Quick’s super speed formula and began going so fast that he stopped time. At this moment, Wally’s mentor and Golden Age Speedster, Max Mercury, informs him of his link to the Speed Force. For Wally West, it was some « Zen Mumbo Jumbo », unaware that the Flash Mythology had just been drastically transformed.
At the start of the 1990s emerged a new popular trend in the comic book world, the Bad Girls comics. Violent scantily clad busty women of supernatural/occult origins who quickly found an audience in this bubbling market. Vampirella was making a comeback, but soon also came Neil Gaiman’s Angela, Rob Liefeld’s Avengelyne, Billy Tucci’s Shi, Marc Silvestri’s Witchblade, but before them, there was Lady Death.
Introduced in 1991 by writer Brian Pulido and artist Steven Hughes in Evil Ernie #1 published by Chaos! Comics, Lady Death was originally a hallucination. Ernest “Ernie” Fairchild thought that she was his dream girl and she would love him if he killed everything on Earth. Evil Ernie was deranged, to say the least. Nevertheless, Lady Death caught on and moved to become something else.
In her own series, Lady Death was introduce as Hope, a young Swedish medieval girl whose power-mad father tries to gain enough strength to challenge the lord of hell so he can become its ruler. As she tried to save herself, Hope ended up in Hell fighting Lucifer. She cast him through Heaven’s Gate and took his place as the ruler of Hell–but he cursed her, she can never return to the mortal plane so long as the living walk the Earth.
As the 1990s progressed, Lady Death found her way into more Chaos! Comics series and additional miniseries. But once Chaos! Comics filed for bankruptcy, the character rights were sold and Lady Death entered the CrossGen universe–but not all the Chaos characters followed her. Brian Pulido continued to work on Lady Death with the (family-friendly) series Medieval Lady Death, but CrossGen Entertainment followed the same road as Chaos! Comics. Lady Death was this time sold to Avatar Press where Pulido worked on two series, Medieval Lady Death as well as the Classic Lady Death.
Since then Lady Death moved to a new imprint at Avatar Press (Boundless Comics) before jumping to Coffin Comics, Brian Pulido’s own publishing company.
A lot of Marvel’s superheroes are based in New York, but you can’t find more all around the world, including Canada! That’s where you’ll meet the members of Alpha Flight, a team often described as the Canadian’s Avengers.
From time to time, Wolverine’s back story was evoked and, in The Uncanny X-Men #120-121 by John Byrne, a new element was introduced, the Alpha Flight team. Their first on-page action was to try to abduct Wolverine to get him back to his home country as the Canadian government had invested in his training and wanted to have him rejoin his original team.
That’s how James MacDonald Hudson (Vindicator, later Guardian), Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar), Jeanne-Marie Beaubier (Aurora), Corporal Anne McKenzie (Snowbird), Walter Langowski (Sasquatch), and Michael Twoyoungmen (Shaman) were first introduced to the readers.
John Byrne thought this was a one-off, but Canadian readers and X-Men fans alike loved the concept, and the Alpha Flight team quickly got its own ongoing series that ran from 1983 to 1994. Throughout the year, the team evolved by adding new characters.
After the first volume concluded, the series would come back multiple times and, to this day, is still active.
The Joker may be considered by most as the ultimate enemy of Batman, but he certainly is not the only deadly threat in the Dark Knight’s rogues gallery. One that also stands apart among other DC Comics supervillains is Ra’s al Ghul.
Ra’s al Ghul’s First Apparition
Created by writer Dennis O’Neil and artist Neal Adams in the story “Daughter of the Demon” (Batman #232, 1971), Ra’s al Ghul was named by DC editor Julius Schwartz–in Arabic, the name means “the Head of the Demon.” If we are to believe Talia al Ghul, Ra’s chose this name himself, it was not given to him.
Ra’s al Ghul first entered Batman’s world after his daughter Talia, whom Batman had recently rescued from the League of Assassins, was kidnapped. He appeared suddenly in the Batcave to reveal to the Detective that the people responsible are the same as the ones who just took Robin (Dick Grayson). Once the shock passes, the two team up to go on a series of adventures, following the criminal to the other side of the world.
Since his creation, Superman has inspired many other characters including different versions of himself such as Bizarro, the “mirror image” of The Man of Steel. Among the alternative versions of the superhero is also Cyborg Superman, a character whose origin story is more of a dark homage to what happened to the Fantastic Four.
Created by Dan Jurgens, Hank Henshaw made his first appearance in The Adventures of Superman #465 (May 1990). The astronaut was on the LexCorp space shuttle Excalibur with his wife Terri and two other crew members when it crashed, supposedly at first from a solar flare created by Superman which also exposed the crew to a fatal dose of radiation. As Hank’s body deteriorated, he transferred his consciousness to LexCorp’s mainframe and transformed into a cyborg resembling Superman. His wife didn’t survive the whole ordeal and with time, Hank became delusional and paranoid, blaming Superman for Terri’s death — even though she herself established what happened was simply an accident.
From the rubble of this freakish accident was born Cyborg Superman, also called The Cyborg (not to be confused with Cyborg!). With the ability to control machines and computers, as well as physical strengthsimilar to Superman’s, Cyborg Superman became one of the Man of Steel’s dangerous foes and a Green Lantern villain.
Now, learn more about Cyborg Superman with our reading order, guiding you through the essential comics and story arcs featuring DC Comics’s evil twisted version of Superman!
With a total of 108 chapters, Fullmetal Alchemist chronicles over nine years the epic, fun, and dangerous journey of the famous Elric Brothers.
Their story began in Japan in 2001 in Square Enix’s Monthly Shōnen Gangan. Readers were introduced to Edward and Alphonse Elric, two brothers living in a 20th-century-inspired world where alchemy is one of the most practiced sciences. Following a forbidden alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his right arm and left leg while his younger brother Alphonse lost his entire physical body and now exists as a soul alchemically bound to a large suit of steel armor.
In a quest to restore their bodies (especially for his brother), Ed joined the military and became a State Alchemist. His research led him to search for the Philosopher’s Stone, a mystical object that could help him attain his goal. But now, war is on the horizon and the two brothers have no choice but to face the moral complexities of their actions, the harsh realities of war, and human suffering, as well as to deal with powerful and menacing adversaries with their own ambitions.