Roy Harper Comics Reading Order (Team Arrow)
While Robin is the most iconic sidekick in the DC Universe, he is not the only one. Speedy made his first appearance alongside Oliver Queen in More Fun Comics #73 (November 1941). The duo shared similarities with the famous dynamic duo for many years. Like Robin, Speedy would also go on to live many stories far away from his mentor. In fact, Roy Harper built most of his heroic career away from Green Arrow.
Still, Roy Harper’s journey started as a sidekick. Green Arrow took him under his wing and acted as a mentor and father figure for the young man. Roy has been trained in archery and combat, laying the foundation for Roy to become the Superhero Arsenal, and later Red Arrow. Roy also became one of the founding members of the Teen Titans.
One of the most pivotal moments in Roy Harper’s life happened in the early 1970s, in the two-part classic Snowbirds Don’t Fly (Green Lantern/Green Arrow #85–86). Written by Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams, the story explores Roy’s fall into addiction. He battles to overcome it and chooses to go solo afterward, to find his path in life.