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Ben Reilly Reading Order, The other Spider-Man… or is it? (Scarlet Spider)

Ben Reilly - Spider-Man FCBD 2021

Ben Reilly is back! He can die, go live in another city, disappear for years, but he always comes back. But who is Benjamin Reilly? His story can be a little convoluted because it’s about clones, fake deaths, mistaken identity, and more.

Created by Gerry Conway in 1975, he first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #149… and is immediately killed. But he came back years later during the (in)famous “Clone Saga” storyline (see reading order) as the “Scarlet Spider,” an ally of Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Together, they fought against The Jackal and Kaine, the unsuccessful first clone of Spider-Man, but also another clone of Spider-Man who became the villain Spidercide, and more.

After some confusion about the identity of the real Peter Parker and other complicated twists and turns, Peter left his superhero life behind him and Ben Reilly became the official Spider-Man. Until his death. After that, he just appeared in the occasional flashbacks. Then he returned to life in 2010 during The Clone Conspiracy (see reading order). Once again, things got complicated for Ben, but he stayed alive this time and got his new ongoing series for a while, then he faded away.

With the new Spider-Man Beyond storyline (that began with The Amazing Spider-Man #75), Ben Reilly came back again as Spider-Man again, for a short time, then came the Dark Web. When will he be back again?

Read More »Ben Reilly Reading Order, The other Spider-Man… or is it? (Scarlet Spider)

The Amazing Spider-Man by Dan Slott Reading Order

During the first Civil War event (full reading order), Peter Parker revealed his Spider-Man identity on live television. This leads to a tragedy and this knowledge was quickly erased from the world with the event of the story arc called “One More Day”.

This is when J. Michael Straczynski stopped being the main writer of The Amazing Spider-Man (see Spidey’s JMS reading order). When he left, Marvel decided to get Spider-Man back to basics. This means that Peter Parker and Mary Jane had never married, and he had no memory of being married to her. Also, Harry Osborn was alive again.

It was the beginning of “Brand New Day.” Marvel decided to alternate writers for The Amazing Spider-Man series. One of them was Dan Slott who became the sole writer at issue #648 (Jan. 2011), launching the Big Time storyline. It was the beginning of what became the longest run in Spidey’s history.

During that era, Slott created new characters, updated old ones, developed the Spider-Verse, gave us the Superior Spider-Man, and more. He only left the title in 2018, his final issue being #801. But he came back to write Spider-Man in 2022, introducing the Spider-Boy and developing a sequel to his Superior Spider-Man series.

What to read before Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man?

Of course, you can check out our Spider-Man Reading Order that covers the adventures of Spidey from the start to today. But, as I was saying, Brand New Day marked the start of the rebooted Amazing Spider-Man, and Dan Slott was one of the writers, and you can start with that:

  • Spider-Man: Brand New Day Omnibus Vol. 1
    Collects Free Comic Book Day 2007 (Spider-Man), Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #546-583, Amazing Spider-Man Annual (2008) #1, Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man #1-3, Presidents’ Day Celebration Digital Comic, Spider-Man: Fear Itself One-Shot (2009), Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #2, Spider-Man: Swing Shift Director’s Cut One-Shot And Material From Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #1.
  • Spider-Man: Brand New Day Omnibus Vol. 2 (coming soon)
    Collects TBA

The Previous Brand New Day Collection:

Read More »The Amazing Spider-Man by Dan Slott Reading Order

Spider-Man Sinister War Reading Order

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Before leaving Marvel and The Amazing Spider-Man behind him, Nick Spencer teamed up with Mark Bagley for a new epic Spider-Man event storyline that bring back a lot of Spidey’s enemies.

In fact, as the official synopsis tells it, Doctor Octopus is Back! Ock’s got a new Sinister Six and if you think he’s thought big in the past, think again. What Ock DOESN’T know is that the VULTURE has a sextet of his own: THE SAVAGE SIX! It’s an all-out WAR between two of the greatest villains in the Marvel Universe, and the only person they hate more than each other is SPIDER-MAN!

What to read before Spider-Man Sinister War?

It’s the tradition to start teasing a new event in advance and, in the case of Sinister War, it started with Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 5) #64. Of course, being the last event of the Nick Spencer era, you could go back earlier and read everything, why not? Go to our Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer reading order for more information.

Read More »Spider-Man Sinister War Reading Order

Miles Morales Reading Order (Spider-Man, Champions, Ultimate)

Spider-Man: Miles Morales Reading Order

If Peter Parker is the main Spider-Man, there are a lot of alternative versions of Spider-Man in the Marvel Universe. Miles Morales is one of the superheroes who wear the Spidey costume.

When the Peter Parker of the Ultimate Universe falls, the world needs a Spider-Man — and here comes Miles Morales! But what’s the secret behind his powers — and can he master them before the Scorpion strikes? Family life gets complicated as Miles learns the truth about his uncle Aaron, and Captain America comes calling when war breaks out! Miles shares a multiversal meeting of the Spider-Men with the Marvel Universe’s Peter Parker, but what tragedy could leave the young hero swearing never to wear the webs again? There’ll be familiar faces, heroic allies, deadly menaces, a startling return and a sprinkling of romance in the complete Ultimate Universe adventures of Miles Morales!

Created by Brian Michael Bendis et Sara Pichelli, Miles Morales made his first appearance in Ultimate Fallout #4 in August 2011 — in the Ultimate brand.

A young kid from Brooklyn on Earth-1610, he follows in the footsteps of Peter Parker in the Ultimate Universe before being made a character in the main Marvel Universe. He was also the star of the animated movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but we are here today to retrace his comic book history, so let’s go!

Read More »Miles Morales Reading Order (Spider-Man, Champions, Ultimate)

Spider-Gwen Reading Order (Gwen Stacy, Ghost-Spider)


Like her friend Silk, Spider-Gwen first appeared during the first Spider-verse event. Conceptualized by long-time Spider-Man writer Dan Slott, but really created by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez, this Spider-Woman is not from the main Marvel universe.

Out of the Spider-Verse, Gwen Stacy swings into action as the Spider-Woman of Earth-65 — a neighborhood like no other! Gwen balances superhero life with being the daughter of a cop…and playing drums in an up-and-coming band, the Mary Janes! And you won’t believe her reality’s versions of the Lizard, the Osborns, Matt Murdock, Captain America, Frank Castle, and more!

The dimension-hopping Gwen joins a team-up of Spider-Women — and sparks fly when she meets Miles Morales! But troubles mount up at home, where she becomes S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most wanted…and problems with her powers lead to the introduction of Earth-65’s Venom!

Gwen would end up without a secret identity and so much more problems. This eventually led her to move to Earth-616 where she would become Ghost-Spider (because there already is a Spider-Woman on this Earth). With the help of Peter Parker, Gwen joined Empire State University, but she still went back to her own Earth, fighting villains on both fronts.

Read More »Spider-Gwen Reading Order (Gwen Stacy, Ghost-Spider)

Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy Reading Order, a Marvel/Spider-Man event

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Taking place in 2017, after the Civil War II event (no need to read it here, but reading order here anyway), Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy is a Spider-Man story written by Dan Slott, with Christos Gage, and Jim Cheung is the artist.

For more details, here is the official synopsis: Amidst a gauntlet of his deadliest rogues, an old foe returns to the fore. Loved ones lost are dead no more as Peter Parker plunges headlong into The Clone Conspiracy! The Jackal has returned, more driven and determined than ever. He’s offered Spidey’s greatest rogues a chance to reunite with their loved ones in exchange for loyalty.

But to what end? With the Rhino, the Lizard, Electro, and even Doctor Octopus at his side, things are looking bleak. But who else from Spider-Man’s past has reappeared?!

What to read before Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy?

It’s probably too much to say that you should probably start with the first Clone Saga (full reading order). It’s a big read (too big). That said, the last time we saw Jackal was during the Superior Spider-man era — it’s a really good read –, but it’s still not a necessity. Like it’s not an obligation to read The Spider-Verse Event (full reading order), but if you want to know what happened to Kaine, that’s where you should go.

Though, what you need to read to be up-to-date is:

Read More »Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy Reading Order, a Marvel/Spider-Man event

Amazing Spider-Man: Last Remains Reading Order, by Nick Spencer

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Amazing Spider-Man: Last Remains Reading Order

“Last Remains” is not an event, but a storyline taking place in the continuity of Nick Spencer’s run on Spider-Man (go to the full reading order). That said, there’s a crossover component to it with a lot of adjacent spider-heros joining the story (like Miles Morales, Gwen “Ghost-Spider” Stacy, Silk, Spider-Woman for example).

Here is the official synopsis: Spider-Man just took the beating of his life … but we’re just getting started. Prepare yourself for the horrors of Last Remains! Kindred—the mystery villain who has been plaguing Peter Parker’s life from the shadows—is stepping out on stage for the first time … and Spider-Man is not ready for the havoc that will result. Now, the wallcrawler must seek out the aid of one of his oldest allies—Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. But it’s not going to be enough. In order to take the fight to Kindred, will Peter be forced to consider the unthinkable?

What to read before Amazing Spider-Man: Last Remains?

The “Last Remains” storyline is about a new villain known as Kindred. Nick Spencer did a lot of built up around his mysterious identity. The best way to read “Last Remains” is, of course, by being up-to-date with Spencer’s run.

If you only want to read what can just before, you’ll have to take a look at those:

Read More »Amazing Spider-Man: Last Remains Reading Order, by Nick Spencer

Spider-Man Spider-Geddon Reading Order (the sequel to Spider-verse)

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As the name suggests, Spider-Geddon is a Spider-Man event taking place in the Marvel comics universe. It’s a sequel to the massively popular event Spider-verse.

The Inheritors have escaped their radioactive prison planet and made their way to the Marvel Universe. As the villains draw first blood, a whole Spider-Army must reunite to keep them at bay!

Starring Spider-Man, Otto Octavius, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Spider-Woman, Spider-Punk, the live-action Japanese TV Spider-Man, the Spider-Man from the new PS4 video game, and many more Spiders — including some brand-new ones!

Prepare to meet Web-Slinger, Spidey of the Wild West! May Parker: Spider-Ma’am! And more! But as the threat they face builds, things do not look good for our web-heads and wall-crawlers. The end of the Spider-Verse is here!

What to read before Spider-Man: Spider-Geddon?

The way comics are written, there is plenty of exposition, you will probably understand most of the event even if you didn’t read the Spider-verse event (go to the Reading Order), but I’m quite sure that reading is pretty much required to understand and to enjoy everything.

  • Spider-verse
    Collects Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #7-15, Superior Spider-Man #32-33, Spider-Verse #1-2, Spider-Verse Team-Up #1-3, Scarlet Spiders #1-3, Spider-Woman (2014) #1-4, Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #6-8 And Material From Free Comic Book Day 2014 (Guardians Of The Galaxy) #1.

Also, you can check out our Spider-Man Reading Order that covers the adventures of Spidey from the start to today.

Read More »Spider-Man Spider-Geddon Reading Order (the sequel to Spider-verse)

Spider-Man Spider-Verse Reading Order

In almost all the universe, there’s a Spider-Man. In a 2014 Marvel Event named Spider-verse, all the Spider-Men were attacked by Morlun and his family, the Inheritors.

Written by Dan Slott, the storyline really began a few years ago during J. Michael Straczynski’s Coming Home story. When the evil Inheritors begin exterminating spider-characters throughout the multiverse in order to feed on their force, every single Spider-Man ever is needed to save the day!

An interdimensional spider-army gathers to fight Morlun and his deadly family, but as the Prophecy comes to fruition, none of them are safe! What will this brutal war for survival mean for Peter Parker…and the rest of the spiders? Starring hundreds of Spider-Men, from the beloved to the obscure!

What To Read before Spider-Man Spider-Verse?

The Spider-Verse brings back a lot of spider-men, A LOT. If you are a long-time reader of the series, you’ll probably remember some. If you are a hardcore fan, you’ll remember all of them. That said, not knowing the cartoon version or the Spider-Ham 2099 will not be an obstacle here, the story may be full of references, and even a neophyte can read it and understand all the important points.

All those big events always use old stories to build their mythology, Spider-Verse is no exception. Here is what you can read before. It’s not obligatory reading, but it helps to understand what is at stake from the beginning.

Read More »Spider-Man Spider-Verse Reading Order

Spider-Man: Clone Saga Reading Order (with Ben Reilly!)

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The life of Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man is full of incredible situations and life-changing events. The most famous? Probably The Clone Saga. In fact, there are two sagas. The first one was a storyline published during the 1970s. The second one was more than two years of publications, an editorial nightmare that has affected all the regular Spider-Man series, several limited series, and one-shot issues published between 1994 and 1997.

Everything began after the death of Gwen Stacy, the girlfriend of Peter Parker. It was controversial, to say the least. The editorial team decided to bring back Gwen into Peter’s life in the following story arc. Writer Gerry Conway introduced a new villain called the Jackal, a cloning expert. It was not the real Gwen or the only person that was cloned. The Jackal cloned Peter and the story ends with a touch of doubt. Is it the original Spider-Man or his clone who had perished in the bomb explosion?

A few years later, Spider-Man encountered Carrion, who claimed to be a degenerated clone of Warren. Then, the clone of Gwen Stacy reappeared too—but it was not a clone or Gwen. The truth about Carrion was finally revealed.

Time passed, then came the second clone saga. Spider-Man’s clone reappeared! He had survived and had lived his life under the name Ben Reilly (go here for the dedicated Ben Reilly Reading Order). He returned to New York City and became the Scarlet Spider. Peter and Ben must face a resurrected Jackal and Kaine, the unsuccessful first clone of Spider-Man, but also another clone of Spider-Man who became the villain Spidercide. And that’s not all. That’s just the beginning.

Read More »Spider-Man: Clone Saga Reading Order (with Ben Reilly!)