Jessica Drew Reading Order, the first Spider-Woman
Like with ‘Spider-Girl’, the code name ‘Spider-Woman’ has been used by several characters, and the first and original one was Jessica Drew. Created by Archie Goodwin and Marie Severin, the character first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #32, in February 1977, working for Hydra and with no memories of her past.
At the time, our Spider-Woman was not destined for great things, as she was just created in order for Marvel to secure the copyright for the name “Spider-Woman.” But with the success of her debut, Marvel decided that she would have her own solo series, written by Marv Wolfman who redesigned the character and gave her a human identity as Jessica Drew.
The comic book introduced her origin story and to put it simply, Jessica Drew has a bizarre backstory. It is complicated by contradicting origin stories, with Brian Michael Bendis revisiting her history in the 2000s and changing how Jessica received her powers.
Since her first appearance, Jessica Drew has been a spy and a superhero. She has been an agent of HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D., and S.W.O.R.D. but also a member of the Avengers and the Web-Warriors as well as a Private detective. And she will soon make her animated movie debut in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Part One).
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